About Us

Welcome to Playlox! At the heart of this digital space are two passionate individuals, Dylan and Filipe, who have united their love for Roblox to bring you fresh and exciting content.

Dylan and Filipe might have diverse backgrounds and experiences, but when it comes to Playlox, they share a common vision. Every post, every article, and every update is a result of this shared passion and the division of tasks, ensuring that you get the very best from both worlds.

Hello, I’m Dylan.


Born and raised amidst the iconic backdrop of New York City, I have spent the better part of two decades immersed in the world of gaming. While my academic and professional journey led me into the intricate arena of gaming engineering, there’s one platform that has always held a special place in my heart: Roblox.

But why Roblox? Simply put, its potential. I firmly believe that Roblox holds a vast expanse of untapped opportunities. Its dynamic nature and the dedicated community behind it have shown time and again that it is more than just a game; it’s a revolution. With every update, every new feature, and every innovative game developed by its vast community, Roblox continues to demonstrate its power and relevance in the gaming world.

In my personal downtime (which is admittedly rare), I find solace in cycling, drawing inspiration from its energy, diversity, and ever-changing landscape.

Hello, I’m Filipe.


I like to think that i am the digital wizard behind the curtains of this website. When I’m not knee-deep in code or perfecting the user experience, you’ll probably catch me downing my third (or fourth, who’s counting?) cup of coffee. Some say too much coffee can lead to jitters, but for me? It just powers more seamless website transitions!

As the go-to webmaster around here, I handle everything from design and functionality to streamlining communication across all platforms. I’m the guy who ensures that your visit on our site is nothing short of awesome.

Now, if there’s ever a glitch or hiccup on the site, there’s a running joke: “Blame Filipe!” But in all honesty, my dedication and attention to detail usually keep those moments at bay. And on the off chance something does slip through? I’m on it faster than you can say “double espresso.”

So, welcome to our site! Enjoy the experience, and if anything seems amiss – you know who to (playfully) point a finger at.